Department of Information Science, Kochi University / Staff And Their Specialty

Tatsuji KAWAI Constructive Mathematics, Pointfree Topology, Brouwer's Intuitionism  
Taichi KIWAKI Machine Learning, Medical Image Analysis, Electro Holography  
Yasuo MIYOSHI Social Network, Web Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction Home Page
Yuichiro MORI Information Processing Using Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control System, Biometrics Authentication  
Minoru OIKAWA High-Performance-Computing, Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Design, Electro-Holography
Ryo OKAMOTO Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction Home Page
Harutaka SHIOMI
Ken-ichi SHIOTA Number Theory, Modular Forms, Computational Algebra, Public-Key Cryptography Home Page
Kazuhiro SUZUKI Discrete Mathematics with Application ( Graph Theory, Descrete Gemoetry, Information Security )
Naoki TAKADA Electro-Holography, High-Performance-Computing, GPU Computing Home Page
Daisuke TSUZUKI Neuroinformatics, Computer Vision Home Page
